Redistricting, the New 8th

On December 28, 2021, the Virginia Supreme Court finalized new congressional districts for 2023-2033. The 8th District was redrawn as part of this process. The new 8th District still includes all of Arlington County, Alexandria City, and Falls Church City. The changes to the district were made in the Fairfax County portions of the district. The new boundaries take effect for the 2022 election and will apply to the 2024, 2026, 2028, and 2030 elections until they are redrawn again.

You can view an interactive map of the new 8th District here.

Documents & Resources

  • 8th CD Committee Bylaws can be found here (PDF, 4pp)
  • 8th CD resolutions can be found here (PDF, 23pp)
  • DPVA Party Plan (PDF 30pp)
  • DPVA Resources (central reorganization, data and VAN, election resources, finance and budget, nomination processes, party structure, special elections, local committee reorganization), here


Membership on the committee is outlined in the DPVA Party Plan

  • Party Plan 6.1 – the 20 elected members, the core of the committee
  • Party Plan 4.1 – State Party officers, elected leaders, etc.
  • Party Plan 6.2 – one General Assembly member, and 3 city / county representatives
  • Party Plan 4.20 – constituency group representative (not already a Central Committee member)

Current 8th CD Membership: 39 total voting members, last updated March 20, 2022.


At the first meeting of the newly reorganized district committee in 2022 the committee elected the following officers:

Chair, Margo Horner
1st Vice Chair, Matthew Savage
2nd Vice Chair, Saddam Salim
Secretary, Maureen Markham
Treasurer, Rose Chu